My elementary years was full of joy, laughter and tears. These years were full of joy and laughter because of my friends Julie Pearl V. Calinog, Jessa May dela Torre, Marjorie S. Limbaga, Eloise Joy Morales and Babielyn Murillo. We were so happy. We play together everyday. We eat our lunch together. We even copy our assignments from Julie. They say that she is the smartest in our group. We were so happy back then. Until one day, I knew that I really have one best friend left. And that friend that was left was Jessa. Julie, Marjorie, Eloise and Babielyn were only using me to get what they wanted. And thats one characteristic that I hate for my friends. They want me to buy things for them using my own money. They ask me to throw garbage for them. One of them even copies my answers during tests. That girl was my best friend before but my worst enemy now. You know I do all the things they want me to do for them. Why? Because I treat them as family. I treat them as my real older sisters. And I obey my older sisters. I know that I am a loyal friend to them. I have always been loyal to them. They are the ones who are not loyal to me. One day after the Christmas break my Daddy gave me P 100.00. I brought my money to school because I know that they are going to ask money from me again, so I decided to bring it with me. What was on my mind came true they asked me to buy stuff for them. What was left of my P100.00 was only P70.00. I put it in my wallet so that it will be safe. But one time I let Marjorie hold my wallet so that it won't fall out my skirt. Then we went to the CR after we went out the CR I asked for my wallet so that I can buy food for us. When she gave me my wallet there was only P20.00 left in the wallet. I asked her if she knows where my P50.00 went but she told me that she doesn't know where it went. I asked her over and over but still she said that she doesn't know where it is. I was starting to think that she was the one who stole all the money that was lost from me. I kept asking her if she has seen the money and she got angry at me. She said that I didn’t trust her. But who would trust a lying such like her. When we went back to school I told my classmates about what happened. And they also think that she was the one who stole the money from my pocket. I and my classmates decided to investigate this case. Before that stealing of money happened, Marjorie told us that she only had a little money. So I bought snacks for her. And after the stealing happened when classes were through she bought many foods. She gave all of us food. We asked her where she had the money to buy all those food. And she didn’t tell us where. We asked permission from her so we can open her bag and see what’s inside and she stared at us and when we started to check what is inside she cried. And when we saw her crying we stopped we said sorry and when I came to her side she pinched me so hard nobody saw what she did and I was starting to think again that she was the one who stole all the things that was lost from me.
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