What is the true meaning of love? Tell me, do you know that word truly means? According to my grandmother, her definition of love is that “Love is crazy” and that “love is blind but neighbors can see”. The meaning of the second quote is that the lover can’t see the bad characteristics of his loved one but others can. This means that love is truly blind. You don’t care what your loved one has. You won’t care whether he or she is ugly or handsome. You won’t care if he or she is selfish or if he or she is joining fraternities or if he or she is not serious in their studies. All you care about is that you love him or her with all your heart. You k now, I know someone that does the same too. He has a girlfriend right now. I don’t know why he loved that girl. I know that he knows that his girlfriend is very selfish. But I also know that his girlfriend is intelligent beautiful. I don’t know why he fell in love with that girl when he somebody is waiting for him that is better than that girlfriend of his. But that is not the true meaning of love. If you read the bible, you will see different definitions of love and they are all correct and true. Like the verse “Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself; it is not puffed up. 1st Corinthians 13 :4. another verse said “ Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 1st Corinthians 13:7. And the last verse that is about love said “Love never fails. But whether there are prophesies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is a knowledge, it will vanish away. 1st Corinthians 13:8. Which do you think is the greatest faith, hope or love? In the bible, it states that those three things are important but the most important thing of all is LOVE. God also loses us , what makes me say that? It is because of this verse “For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son, and whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life” John 3:16. It makes me say that God really loves us all because he gave his only son just to save us all. He really loves us all. Nobody except God has ever done that to save people that are not as important as his own son. We all know that it is very hard to loose your son or daughter. But He gave his only son’s life to save us all from our sins. Now that’s the true definition of love. It’s not the kind of love that you admire somebody because he or she is handsome or beautiful. It does not mean that having a girlfriend or having a boyfriend is a sign that you already experienced loving. What you feel is not love. It is only admiration. Love is measured on how you want the person you love to be safe. It is when you are willing to give your own life or the life of the persons who are very important to you. Just like what God did for us.
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